Personal Security Officer (PSO)

At Knighthood, we provide a comprehensive range of VIP protection services that are tailored to the individual's needs. We understand that no two people are the same, and so we strive to ensure that our services are customised to meet the unique requirements of each individual. In order to guarantee the highest degree of security, we only employ the most reliable personnel who have been carefully vetted and trained by us. Our extensive background checks guarantee that our employees are capable of providing the highest standard of security. For those times when extra protection is necessary, we offer armed guards who are experienced and fully qualified to handle any situation.


Identifying Trained Personnel

When it comes to employing personnel for our VIP protection services, we take the utmost care to ensure we only hire the most reliable people. We understand the importance of finding individuals who are highly qualified, dependable, and trustworthy. To this end, we have an extensive vetting process. This includes conducting comprehensive background checks and identity verification to ensure our personnel meet our strict criteria and are the right fit for the job.

Additionally, we require all our personnel to undergo extensive training and refresher courses. This helps ensure they are up to date with the latest security practices and procedures, and are always prepared to handle any situation they may encounter while protecting our clients.

Customizable Services

Our VIP protection services are tailored to each individual's needs, providing the highest level of security. We offer both armed guards and plain-clothed personnel, depending on the customer's requirements. Our experienced professionals are committed to delivering the best protection, with a focus on your peace of mind. We understand the importance of safety and our team will strive to meet your security needs.

Comprehensive Support

Our VIP protection services offer 24/7 support, ensuring that our clients are always kept safe and secure. Our personnel are highly experienced and trained professionals, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the industry. Our team is ready to handle any security situation that might arise, providing our clients with unparalleled protection and peace of mind. We are committed to providing the best service possible, and our personnel are dedicated to ensuring the safety and security of our clients.

At Knighthood, we are dedicated to delivering the best VIP protection services. Our team is highly skilled and our services are tailored to meet the needs of our clients. We provide comprehensive assistance to all our customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to our FAQs for answers to common questions